The Truthiversity exists because of these incredible people.
In 2017, we ran a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to build the Truthiversity. The following people supported our vision financially and creatively. For that we'll be eternally grateful.
Our legendary friend and entrepreneurial genius, Rossco Paddison, supported our vision, creative process, and helped bring our crowdfunding campaign to life. He lent us his time, expertise, and plugged us into his crowdfunding platform, Gather Change, which helped us raise 208% of our financial goal in 44 days.
Our friends, family, and community gathered around us to share our campaign far and wide. They believed in our vision wholeheartedly and saw the gap which we were destined to fill. Although it has taken almost 5 years to reach the point of launch, here we are - finally sharing our project with the world.

The Truthiversity Honour Roll

New Paradigm Professor
Sam Higgins
Tracy Ward
Jannie Brown
PhD Pioneer
Sam Devlin
Sara Thomas
Ashlie Mayer
LionHeart Foundation
Bev Murphy
Paul Cummins

Jace Clarabal
Damian Privett
Eddie Ho
Duncan Roads
Leonie Gray
Leah Reynolds
Darren Hey
Debbie Kemp
Tamara Dunn
Chad Hughes
Grassroots Guru
Nick Sambrook
Gary Martin
Kaw Lean
Ishara Love
Louise Gilbert
Matt Rullis
Alistair Larmour
Blair Beattie
Emma Keen
Katie Kempster
Russell Byron
Julie Loader
Jane Chrispin
Mickie Magan
Roman Light
Edward Wooster
Ewen Richards
Phil Davies
Helena Dunn
Sasha Dunn
Elizabeth Mulligan
Pureheart Alchemy
Vicki Anderson
Sven Tonisson
Donna Eddy
Melanie Payne
Grace Carcary
Diploma of Discernment
Karen Hall
Samuel Levy
Ash Bryant
Kat Sabath
Carole Berger
Ascenta Fields
Will Pye
Adam Smith
Dave Murphy
Zoe Turner
Louisa Dent Pearce
Angela Stafford
Kirsty Sutherland
Tashi Martel
Grace Scherer
Alex Arathoon
Gregor Drugowitsch
Mishka Long
Ally Gourlay
Scott & Nikki Medwell
Shannon Philip
Yoko Inoue
Dawn Holliday
Meridith Snyder
Nikki Higgins
Michael Higgins
Simon Higgins
Will Allen
Sarah Gibbs
Darrell Higgins
Amy Kiddie
Andrew Hooper
Gabrielle Morrison
Kellie Ralph
Sonia Lowrie
Tegan Petterwood
Sasha Havlik
Lauretta Sela
Samual Martin
Tracy Jagger
Katie Teague
Susan Newman
Sheila Kennedy
Jamali Salamba
Doris H Moreau
Hamish Quinney
John Murphy
Agus Zeta
Certificate of Autonomy
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