SpaceX Aims to Ruin Night Sky

By Arthur Firstenberg


On December 29, 2022, the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) sued the U.S. Federal Communications...

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Is Disease Just Part of Life?

Originally written and posted by Daniel Roytas

Most people are under the impression that disease is just ‘a part of life’, but nothing could be further from the truth. There is...

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Censored Study: Covid Had No Effect on Death Rates in America – Total Deaths Normal in 2020

Note: This important article on death rates in America for 2020 was taken down by Johns Hopkins and censored, and was therefore retrieved from the WayBack Machine on November 27, 2020.

Summary of...

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The People Say No – Santa Cruz’s Lesson in Covid Civil Disobedience

Santa Cruz just gave the world a lesson in civil disobedience.

For the past couple of months under the covid-1984 lockdown (based on junk data), it has been illegal to be on the beach between 11...

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Domestic Violence In Lockdown Explodes – Killing Ourselves to Flatten the Curve Part 3

We either get to be our own best medicine, or our own worst nightmare. The choice is ours, like it or not.—Brendan D. Murphy

Lockdown Turns Homes into Powder Kegs

In Part 1 we...

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Suicides to Rise and Mental Health to Fall: Killing Ourselves to Flatten the Curve - Part 2

Suicide and Mental Health: More Reasons Why Lockdowns Don't Add Up

In Part 1 of this series I highlighted the adverse effects of social distancing and isolation - psychological, social, and...

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Killing Ourselves to Flatten the COVID Curve - Part 1

By Brendan Murphy, 2020/04/13

Picture This...

An elderly woman sits on a park bench in England with no one nearby. Police draw near—apparently protected from covid-19 by their law enforcement...

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Coronavirus Predicted?

 By Brendan D. Murphy, April 1, 2020

I work in the healthcare field. Here’s the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19....

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29 Questions to Ask About Coronavirus AKA "COVID-19"

In a time of mass hypnosis and hysteria, one thing that can help break the collective spell cast upon us is getting into the habit of asking some fundamental questions and scrutinising...

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Big Pharma’s Witch Hunt Has Medieval Roots

By Brendan D. Murphy

There is an ancient war being waged.

Broadly, it is the war on consciousness.

However, that umbrella war has numerous different theatres where blood is shed every...

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Is Science Broken? The Failure of Peer Review (Especially in Medicine)

By Brendan Murphy

Note: This article also serves as the script for Truthiverse podcast episode 27.

"Today Science is up on a pedestal. A new god has appeared; his high priests conduct the rituals,...

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