Similarities Between NDEs and Mystical Experiences

As veteran NDE (near-death experience) researcher Dr Ken Ring suggests, we should probably view the NDE as a subset of a broader family of mystical experiences.

The great philosopher and...

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An Astonishing 18th Century Prophecy

Welcome, fellow unconventional critical thinker!  

This is an audience-supported publication AND a powerful podcast, producing uncommon insight. If you find value...

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Shared Hallucinations & Parallel Universes: Joint Adventures in Holographic Dreamscapes

American psychologist and parapsychologist Dr Charles Tart ran a novel experiment in mutual hypnosis in the ‘60s with results that challenge the workaday concepts of “reality” and...

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The Belief Effect: Self-fulfilling Skepticism: Sheep, Goat or Jackass?

© Brendan D. Murphy, author The Grand Illusion, founder of The Truthiversity

Repeated ignorant or stubborn denial of the existence of certain powers does not keep them from...

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Ezekiel's Visions Revisited

Let’s Get Shamanic Old Testament Style, O’ Father in Heaven!

To our 3D-based consciousness, 4D and “higher” realms or mind-worlds are symbolised or conceptualised by our...

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What IS DNA Activation?

What IS DNA Activation? Cutting Out the Fluff

Let’s start at the start, this doesn’t need to be complicated. You’ll need some basic background info and context to...

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What Is 12 Strand DNA Activation?

 By Brendan D. Murphy

The task you have before you is to consciously command, intend, and will the evolvement of your DNA.
—Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn

Understanding 12...

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Negative Entity Attachment Removal

Negative Entity Attachment - An Overview

Soul Fragments, Possession, Spirit Release, and Many Worlds

This video transcript (below) is an excerpt from my forthcoming book The Grand Illusion - Book 2...

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The Incredible Mediumship of Daniel Dunglas Home by Brendan Murphy

It is no longer possible to regard mediumship as a supernatural endowment. It is, as regards the psychic susceptibility upon which it depends, the common property of the race, and is therefore as...

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Time and Torsion: The Experiments that Killed Linear Time

 A scientist would have to be either massively ignorant or a confirmed bigot to deny the evidence that the human mind can make connection with space, time and matter in ways which have...

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Telepathy And Thoughts Through Space

Those who reject even telepathy have reached the point where they are impugning either the honesty or the sanity of several thousand scientific researchers on all major continents...

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Proof of Your Psychic Powers - And How to Develop Them

Repeated ignorant or stubborn denial of the existence of certain powers does not keep them from existing—except for us!—Harold M. Sherman, psychic


Everyone has some level of...

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