The nature of your post-mortem transition is largely determined by your state of mind at the time, the overall contents of your psyche (your “set,” in psychological terms), and the...
Better Ways to Heal Through Energy Psychology
In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.—Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel laureate in...
Terms Defined
When people hear the term “ideology” they typically think of a political belief structure or formula for thinking.
A synonym for ideology is “dogma” defined as...
By Brendan D. Murphy
The task you have before you is to consciously command, intend, and will the evolvement of your DNA.
—Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn
Understanding 12...
What IS DNA Activation? Cutting Out the Fluff
Let’s start at the start, this doesn’t need to be complicated. You’ll need some basic background info and context to...
Intentionality is your secret weapon in your war on mediocrity.
—Brian Moran & Michael Lennington, The 12 Week Year
I love the psychology of change and personal growth –...
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